Hello! I'm Marcus Christiansen

I am a Software Engineer living in Boston. I love learning new languages and frameworks, building intuitive and scalable software, and getting things to work.

I am currently the Co-founder and Lead Developer @ Considdr, a patented AI search platform that automatically crawls and extracts key insights from documents across the website, helping researches become and stay an expert on any market or trend.

I graduated from Bowdoin College where I majored in Computer Science. At Bowdoin, I was a team member of the Northern Bites (where we coded robots to play soccer :soccer:), did CS research on campus my sophomore and junior year summers, and was on the JV soccer team.

I am passionate about learning and building cool things.

Check out my projects
  • Conway's Game of Life written in Go and visualized using Ebiten.

  • 2020-06
    • Javascript (ES6)
    • React
    • Webpack
    • Chrome API
    • Ruby on Jets
    • AWS Lambda
    • AWS API Gateway

    A Chrome extension that highlights the key insights in documents across the web.

  • 2020-04
    • Java
    • JSwing

    A visualized and interactive maze solver Java application that automatically generates a random maze, and then proceeds to traverse and solve the maze using a variety of graph traversal algorithms (BFS, DFS, A*).

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Get in touch

Say hi at: mefchristiansen@gmail.com